Admission to the Comillas Pontifical University
Admission to the Comillas Pontifical University
Application for Admission to Degree Programs
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Identification document
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Data Protection Clause
  • Your personal data will be processed by Universidad Pontificia Comillas to manage your admission process, understanding this from the moment the student begins the application process, until they enroll, withdraw or drop out, and during the academic year for which the application is made. request. During this period, the University may contact the candidates for the purposes of formalizing the process, calls, monitoring and quality control.
    The entity in charge of the handling of this data is the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, with fiscal identification number (NIF) R 2800395B, domiciled for the purposes of notifications at calle Alberto Aguilera, 23, 28015 Madrid.
    In accordance with the provisions established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, in Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and in other implementing regulations, you are informed that you have the right to access, rectify or oppose the data, limit their processing, oppose their processing and exercise your right to the portability of personal data, all free of charge, by written request to Universidad Pontificia Comillas – General Registry, Calle Alberto Aguilera, 23, 28015 Madrid or to For the purpose of attending to your application, it will be essential to verify your identity in advance by sending a copy of your DNI, NIE, Passport or equivalent document.
    In the case of not following through with and completing your registration, your personal data will be kept for the sole purposes of historical or statistical research, and as evidence in the procedures to assess quality in which the University participates.
    You can consult our privacy policy at
    If you would like for us to keep your data and continue to send you information concerning the activities, projects and educational training offered by the University, please put a check mark, additionally, in the corresponding box on the application or website referring to this clause.